We are committed to protecting the privacy of our visitors/customers which is very important to us. We take the security of online transactions very seriously. Please read our privacy statement below.

What data do we collect?

It is important to understand what data we collect about your use of our website. The information we collect could include your email address, name or business name, street address, Postcode city, country and telephone number. We collect this data in several different ways; for instance we make use of cookies that are needed to compile and combine non-personally identifiable data about the visitors to our site. Personally identifiable information consists of information that is unique to you, such as credit card numbers and bank account numbers. Personal information is specific to an person.

The use of information

Do not enter your personal information more than once.

You can quickly find information, services, and products.

Help us to create content that is pertinent to you on this site.

We will notify you of any new products, information, and services that we provide.

Registration and Ordering:

We will ask you for your name and address (shipping the address, billing it, and email), credit card number as well as your phone number during registration. To ensure that we are in compliance with the laws in force We will also require your country of residence. Your gender might also be requested. These types of information are utilized to bill you, complete your orders, and to communicate with you customers regarding their order or our site. We may make use of your personal information to notify you of any issue in processing your order.

Email Addresses

Registering for our email list allows you to benefit from great discounts and get free promotional announcements. We\’ll also notify you when the latest product or brand is made available. It is your decision to participate in the contest or share any information.

3. Privacy Security

We don\’t trade or rent information that can identify you to any other company as part of the normal routine of our business. We employ the most sophisticated encryption technology and require all of our employees to sign a confidentiality agreement which prohibits sharing any information that they are able to access with any other company or individual.

What type of email do I send to my customer?

We email content to our clients that could contain the some of the following:

Transaction mail, shipping notification Weekly deal Promotion, Activity.

Email Newsletters and Promotions

We make use of email to deliver announcements and special offers to our subscribers. Unsubscribing to the email will remove you from our mailing list, without any cost.

How can I unsubscribe to my newsletter?

After logging into your account, you can opt out using the link included in any email newsletter.